I’ve added a page that lists the common characters within Privateer Tales. I’ll be making updates. You can find this by clicking here.
New resource – Privateer Tale Characters

I’ve added a page that lists the common characters within Privateer Tales. I’ll be making updates. You can find this by clicking here.
Please give poor Aga a man, after everything she has done for the other characters, it seems beyond cruel to leave her unsatisfied. Don’t hook her up with Peter. I mean seriously!!!! Either have her hook up with Tabby and Liam, or give her a life of her own and quit with the black girl best friend only there to make others feel happy and comfortable crap.
Hi Diane – It would be very Heinlein to put her with Tabby and Liam. She’s so complex, I love her character. We’ll probably see some movement in Privateers Under Siege with her.