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In the stories Cutpurse and Buccaneers I’ve introduced a new solar system Tipperary. I asked a friend of mine, Roberto Gabriel Garcia, to help me with a visualization of this system and it came out great.
Tipperary, is a fictional star, FD 40307, located 147 light years from our own solar system in the Picaur Constellation. FD 40307 is a class G star, that has a whiter light than our own class K star and is 1.2 solar masses (our sun is 1 solar mass).
The following is a list of the planets, in order.
2.4 thousand kilometers diameter
Crusty surface, almost molten
4.8 thousand kilometers diameter
Mostly rock, highly volcanic
6.2 thousand kilometers diameter
10% water, 10% rainforest, 80% sand
- habitable environment, weak oxygen concentration
- Descartes Asteroid Belt
Result of twin planets colliding, takes place of a planet
16 thousand kilometers diameter
95% covered water
Completely cloud covered
48 thousand kilometers diameter
Gas planet
1.6 thousand kilometers diameter
Outer Reach Asteroid Belt (sparsely spread asteroids)
Check back periodically, I’ll add details as I go.
Just curious, do you have any idea where the mining claim alluded to at the end of Smuggler’s Dilemma will be in the Tipperary system? Will the base salvaged from the pirates be the start of a new home for the Hoffen clan? With the Adela Chen, base structures, and Hotspur it seems that Big Pete and Silver can finally have a non-substance living (maybe even provide the backbone for a burgeoning mining colony). I enjoy this series immensely btw. I live vicariously through your characters in a world I shall never experience.
Greetings Kyriakos – yes, that mining claim would be located in the Descartes asteroid belt. Unfortunately we’ve discovered there are thugs and ruffians about and while the money might be better, its going to take some time to tame this frontier. Who better to do it than our crew, though, right? I join you in your enjoyment of living in these worlds. I look forward to writing every night after work and have made great progress on Buccaneers, which is the story that brings all of this action to print.
Happy Reading! – Jamie