I currently have four different projects that I’m working on. Yup, you read that right, I’m working on more projects than I’ve actually published. I suspect I won’t be able to say that very many times in my career as a writer. As you know I’ve got three books in the Privateer Tales series available on Amazon, with the most recent release being Parley. What I haven’t shared is that these books have been doing better than I’d expected, although to be honest I didn’t know what to expect.
In the Privateer Tales universe, I’ve got two projects going full tilt. The first project is a short-story, “Big Pete”. This is a fun side-story about how Liam’s mom and dad met while in a war zone in the Amazon. “Big Pete” is very nearly done. It is 100% written, been through editing once, been to my beta readers group, and is headed to final edit. I fully expect to release “Big Pete” within the month of October.
For my second project, I’ve got a brand new fantasy series starting. I haven’t settled on a series name but the first book will be called “Lesser Prince”. The writing for this book is also 100% complete and we’ve see a first rough edit. One of the issues with this book is that not only did I switch genre’s but I also jumped from first-person story telling to third-person. Yikes! I’m hoping to have this in the hands of the beta readers by November 1st and available on Amazon by Thanksgiving.
The third project is a full length novel in the Privateer Tales universe with the working title of, “Buccaneer Alley”. Currently the story is about 10% complete. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that we’ll see this book become available sometime in first quarter of 2015. I’m hoping to be done with writing by the middle of December, although when I get on a roll, it can go pretty quickly. This story picks right back up with Liam, Nick and Marny and follows them on their next crazy adventure.
The fourth project is by far my most speculative. It is a personal challenge type project where I’m writing in the Urban Fantasy genre. The working title is “Grimm Discovery”. I’m at 5% of the story. I don’t have an estimate for when this will be available.
So, that’s it. Four projects at varying stages. It’s going to be an exciting winter to be sure.
Happy Reading!
I’m in on some of the secrets, but can’t wait to find out where Liam and crew are going next and what you are doing with the new story. Love them all!