In a galaxy on the brink of invasion, the fate of all rests upon the shoulders of an unexpected hero: Gordy Harmen, once a celebrated Air Force pilot now confined by physical constraints. As the Obsidian Union rushes to assemble a powerful fleet of warriors, Gordy is presented with a life-altering proposition: join the fight and receive a rejuvenated body, granting him the chance to soar through the stars once more. With his unparalleled expertise in the cockpit, Gordy must navigate the unfamiliar realm of space warfare, where the stakes are higher than ever before.
Amid escalating tensions and the looming threat of universal upheaval, “The Oldest Starfighter” propels readers into a whirlwind of cosmic conflict and heart-stopping action. Jamie McFarlane’s electrifying debut in this gripping series promises an immersive journey through epic space battles and the ultimate test of one man’s bravery and skill. Will Gordy’s daring maneuvers be enough to tip the scales in humanity’s favor? Dive into the adventure today and discover the answer in this captivating saga of sacrifice, valor, and the fight for survival.
The Oldest Starfighter
SERIES: Oldest Starfighter
BOOK#: 1
Old body, new battleground. The fate of the universe rests in the hands of the Oldest Starfighter.
In this gripping new military science fiction novel, the universe teeters on the brink of invasion, and the Obsidian Union scrambles to assemble a formidable force of combat pilots…. read more »
Rogue Commander
SERIES: Oldest Starfighter
BOOK#: 2
Outnumbered, outgunned, and out of patience—Gordy Harmen is back, and he’s playing by his own rules.
Gordy Harmen thought he had seen it all. Recruited from Earth by the alien Obsidian Union to fight …. read more »