Privateer Tales #7, is Out of the Tank. And who do you think that copper haired beauty is standing in the medical bay? You’ll have to read the book it to be sure, but I’m guessing you already know.
Out of the Tank is currently out to the beta readers and will be sent to Amazon for pre-release by the end of July.
Just as exciting, Buccaneers will be short on its heels and if I do things right, they’ll actually be released at the same time.
Out of the Tank is a shorter story, technically a novelette, weighing in at 17,500 words. My goal in writing the story was to give my readers a more in depth understanding of one of my favorite characters, Tabby. For those of you who know my family directly, you’ll appreciate that I’ve modeled Tabby after my own daughter, who is as tough as nails and not afraid to stare her old man down when needed.
You might also recognize the artist who also painted the cover for Fool Me Once, Patricia Cavaleri L. – Sicilian Valkyrie.
Enough of that, however. The following is the back matter of the book which most writers refer to as the blurb.
War veteran, Tabitha Masters, expected to live out the rest of her days with the debilitating scars of battle. But, after her crew made a deal with the devil (Smuggler’s Dilemma, Privateer Tales Book 6), she’s been given a second chance. A month in a medical tank and Tabby’s injuries are repaired, replaced and even upgraded.
Within hours of being discharged from the hospital, Tabby hears from Shri Ganguly – a fellow veteran and survivor of the Red Houzi war. Shri is convinced she’s being targeted and hopes that Tabby can help.
It will take everything Tabby has to recover, while facing down the danger that threatens her friend.
Happy Reading!
You basically ROCK, and I cannot wait to read this one!
Why did I sign up for your email release info? Now I have to wait until the 6th for a good read! Should be a crime to tease like that.
Great books and can’t wait or read the previous books enough.
Hi Ken – Short stories just kind of happen, and I’m always disappointed that they are done so quickly, too. Buccaneers is just around the corner, though.
Don’t worry Jamie, Love the short stories and the character details that only make the main books more fun to read.
So…..am I the only one whose clock is moving at a snail pace? I have been so ready for tomorrow.
hey dude
are you still alive?
Hi Elijah – very much alive 🙂
Mr. McFarlane, I just finished your latest book,Buckeneers. And of course, I’d like to know when to expect the next installment. It irritates me to no end to come across an author I enjoy so much that I can’t read the entire and completed story in one reading. (Ok, so I’ve got no patience.) I have enjoyed the adventure, but I’m not satisfied to wait for you to finish, so please send me dailies of your work. Ok, I’m kidding but I do hope you’ll be publishing soon. I’m really caught up in the storyline, and seriously wasn’t able to put it down. …I’m waiting…. tap, tap, tap… still nothing?…hmmmm.
Well good luck and good reviews, Ron
Hi Ron – For some reason I’ve not been getting notifications that I have comments outstanding. I’m currently working on A Matter of Honor and expect to release it before Christmas. Just how much before, your guess is as good as mine, hopefully you’ve signed up for the mailing list. Haha on the dailies. It would be fun to write in serialized fashion, once a chapter is finished, shoot it off to readers. I’m afraid it would lack the normal polish, however.
Happy Reading!