What, you ask, am I gambling? I’m gambling that by giving you a chance read this exciting start to the series, that you’ll be hooked and decide to buy the rest of them. Personally, I believe that if you enjoy science fiction, you’ll love the entire Privateer Tales series
If you haven’t been following Privateer Tales, please know that Rookie Privateer is a complete story. There’s no cliff-hangar at the end to entice you to buy the next book. That said, you’ll want to learn more about crew and their adventures, which of course are found in later volumes.
Where can you get Rookie Privateer for free? Just about anywhere you find online books. I’ve listed on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Scrib’d and have verified that these links are now active.
Is it possible for someone to get a free hard copy of this book? I’m a huge bookworm and I’m writing my own book and I would love to read this book
Hi Linda – Currently the only free version of Rookie Privateer is electronic. That said, if you have a computer you can certainly read it for free from most of these retailers. For example, Amazon provides a free kindle reader that is usable on you computer (called the cloud reader).
Well it worked like a charm!
last week as I finished a book on my kindle (lost starship I think) I got a recommendation for this book called buccaneer… apparently it is book #8 and it looked interesting, but I don’t want to jump in at the end, particularly if it turns out to be a series I like.
so I went in search of book#1 and look at that it’s free!
Read book#1 and promptly bought each book as I finished the previous one.
finished buccaneer yesterday and I can’t wait for the next one!
great job Jamie!
any recommendations on reading material while I’m awaiting your next one?
Hi Ian – I’d really like to know what you though of Heppner’s Lost Starship. I’ve been buried this summer with two kids getting married and my reading has been quite sporatic. I’m loving that you enjoyed Privateer Tales.
Okay, finished the series up to book 8 (Bucaneer), really, really good. When’s the next episode being released? Of course, the trite expression is’I can’t wait’ but of course I have to but I’m disappointed that I can’t get into book 9 straightaway>
Good morning Sean, love that you’re enjoying the series. You’ll be pleased to hear that ‘A Matter of Honor’ has just been sent to its first edit. I imagine we’ll get it released in December. Make sure you’re signed up for the mailing list so you get a notification.