For me, it is easier to talk about what inspires me to write. At the top of the list is a particularly well done movie, like Guardians of the Galaxy or an enjoyable book like Have Spacesuit Will Travel.
Recently I received a review on Cutpurse that caught me completely off-guard. First, I should mention that I rarely read reviews. The primary reason is that I have a habit of falling into a tailspin when someone says something particularly nasty in a review. While rationally I understand that people who write nasty things are telling us more about themselves than what they’re attempting to communicate in their review. I still have a difficulty putting it aside.
As it turns out, however, it wasn’t a nasty review that caught my attention. Completely to the opposite, this review solidly struck me at the heart of why I write. It was simple, kind and I’ll treasure it forever. What were these words?
This whole series is great! We love reading time, and this series has the whole family captivated. It’s sometimes difficult to find the right combination for all the kids to enjoy. Now some of their friends are making sure they are here and don’t miss anything!
It’s hard to express just how valuable these words are to me. They go to the heart of why I write and what I hope for. Today, the answer to why I write is because a family enjoys reading my stories and was kind enough to say it.
Happy Reading!