One of the blogs I follow is written by Seth Godin. He posts easy to digest, common and uncommon wisdom. Every once in a while he comes up with a jewel and this one spoke to me.

In his blog, Seth posits that often times success in difficult ventures is a matter of sticking with it. Further, people don’t start off being great at something, they simply plug along long enough that they exhaust all of the bad ideas.

Getting my books in front of readers who would love them is a difficult process, made difficult by the flood of excellent material and people who clearly do a better job of advertising than I do. To make matters worse, I often spend time and money on ideas that have no value.

What an incredible relief it is to discover that success is a process and not a destination. That is, I just need to keep working at it and learn from those mistakes. As a result I can stop beating myself up for all of the wasted effort.