I am working on Parley, book #3 in the Rookie Privateer series and I’m plugging away when I notice that I’ve paused on word count that is an anagram, 64846. As you probably know, I have a math and technical background and realize that the number of available numeric anagrams between 0 and 90,000 is considerable. That’s my analytic side. My more creative side wants to find meaning in numbers or at least finds it interesting. Have you ever moved your car so that you park on a numerically interesting marker? If your odometer is sitting at 89,999.8, when you park, isn’t that cool? Right? … (don’t leave me hanging here)
Nonetheless, seeing the number reminded me that I haven’t provided a status update for a while. I’m a couple of chapters into the end-story for Parley. As with Rookie Privateer I’m probably going to go long and need to cut out some of the less interesting passages. At 65,000 words, the likely hood of being able to finish in 15,000 words isn’t very good, maybe I can finish in 25,000. I hope so. I had a very difficult time turning the corner in the mid-story to the end-story and hope that is behind me.
There’s still lots of work to be done. I haven’t started on the cover yet and I need to start talking to artists. Then I need to think about read-throughs, editing, promotions, etc. The list is long but the work is rewarding. I can’t wait to get this done and out to you all.
Happy Reading!