Cutpurse 320 wideIt’s been a busy spring and I’m excited to announce the second new book of 2015. Cutpurse is a novella set in the Tipperary Solar System and introduces readers to the the planet Grünholz.

I often get the question as to why I write these smaller stories instead of just focusing on the novels. For me it’s all a part of the creative process. I love imagining the worlds where Liam and crew will visit and these stories give me the capability to share details that the Loose Nuts crew might never uncover.

I’m working hard on the next novel, Buccaneers and am expecting a release this summer (2015).

Click here to get your copy.

So without further delay here’s a nice summary of Cutpurse:

Cutpurse Summary

In the tangled bog city of Nannandry, Priloe Sharpe’s life is worth only what his pick-pocketing skills can buy him.  The entire planet of Grünholtz is now one big colonization failure and run completely by rival gangs. Hope of a better life is nonexistent – until the day off-worlders show up in the marketplace with a shiny piece of tech, which Priloe artfully snags. In a race for his life, Priloe must save his sister and somehow leave the planet, risking everything for a new life in the cloud city of Léger Nuage.

Cutpurse introduces Privateer Tales fans to the Tipperary Solar System where Liam Hoffen and his crew plan to make their new home and where they will start a whole new set of adventures. In the tradition of McFarlane’s novellas, Cutpurse provides background and intersecting story line for the next Privateer’s story. Where are Liam and his crew – and will they arrive to save the day?